Acting on Experience

I have never finished a chapstick.
Currently available for auditions!
I have never finished a chapstick.
Currently available for auditions!
-Annie Truex
I once shaved my head because, if you don't buzz your head when you cross the equator, when will you?
My foray into stand up comedy was predicated on an inkling that maybe I am as funny as my mother says that I am.
Read my interview with The
Atlantic where I talk about The Work Before the Big Break.
I graduated from a two-year Meisner training program at the Joanne Baron/DW Brown School for the Dramatic Arts where I studied with the co-owner of the studio, DW Brown.
I've also studied improv at Upright Citizen's Brigade, comedy with Lesly Kahn, and audition technique at Margie Haber.
Check out my résumé for the details of my experience and skills.
Watch me in The Big Day on Amazon Prime Video!
Keep your eyes peeled for me in commercials for Weight Watchers, 1-800-Contacts, SlingTV, and beyond!
I don't have a web series, but I do have a podcast Scared Shitless, and a blog where fret over singularity and compare Sopranos to Real Housewives.
Do you have more questions? Are you interested in collaborating on a project? Send me a message, and I will get back to you as soon as I figure out where these messages go.
Annie Truex
Copyright © 2020 Annie - All Rights Reserved.
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